let’s inform your audience

News, feature articles and editorial content is the bread and butter of most special interest publications. Do you need high quality content for a magazine, website, e-newsletter or one-off publication?

Briefcase Media writes content ranging from short topical stories to comprehensive articles based on exclusive interviews all tailored to your style guide and target audience. 

What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure
— Samuel Johnson

tailored news, editorial & informative content

industry news

When things happen in your industry, we write the news your audience wants to read.

case studies

It's the what, where, when, how and why that make your readers feel informed.

editorial features

Sometimes you need to go beyond the facts and figures to tell the whole story.

Q&A articles

People like to know what others have to say, so direct quotes make for engaging content. 

personal profiles

Looking for an in-depth story on an interesting person? Look no further.

how-to guides

Educational and instructional pieces are search engine and social media favourites.

professional interviews

Think of the interview as the engine driving your article. Insights, opinions and anecdotes from credible sources give your content depth and encourage people to continue reading. With solid research and the ability to ask the right questions at the right times, professional interviews provide all the answers you're looking for.


Expert comments add depth to feature articles ★

Articles in Q&A format are popular and easy to read ★

Analysis takes a case study beyond the facts and figures ★